Please pray for those from Scotland and around the world who are gathering in Jerusalem from June 17-22 for the third Global Anglican Future conference.
To find out more, check out this 12-page Fuel for Prayer booklet.
And if you can, please set aside time to pray for each daily need of the 2,000 or so delegates:
• Sunday, 17 June
Pray all delegates will arrive safely and on time so that none will miss out on the time of encouragement and teaching. Ask that God will embolden and unify the group gathered for Evensong.
• Monday, 18 June
As the delegates consider Gospel truth, please pray for their renewed and deep reliance on God’s Word.
• Tuesday, 19 June
The conference will examine God’s Church. Please pray that the delegates would be encouraged to seek true unity by speaking truth in love to one another.
• Wednesday, 20 June
The gathered assembly will look together at God’s world. Please pray that the delegates would be inspired to proclaim Christ faithfully to the nations.
• Thursday, 21 June
An overarching aim of the conference is to encourage each other – and other church leaders – not to abandon the Gospel in favor of falling in step with the surrounding culture. Please pray for strong adherence to a life-giving message, not compromise.
• Friday, 22 June
This is the ultimate time of “sending out”, where the delegates prepare to take the unchanging message of Jesus Christ to others. The group will also have Holy Communion together. Pray they will be reminded of the Lord Jesus’ atoning death in the breaking of the bread.