Can you be gay and Christian? Is it a sin to be gay? How do you live life without sex? How do I support my same-sex attracted Christian friend/family member?
Visit the Living Out website, where a group of Christians who experience same-sex attraction bring out into the open the questions and dilemmas that gay Christians can often face.
It’s a UK-based site with teaching, testimony and encouragement to help individuals and churches understand that there is an alternative and viable way of approaching the whole subject of same-sex attraction.
Some links to other useful resources: Peter is a self-supporting Anglican minister (he works in the real world!) who has been writing about sexual identity since 2006. US-based site of Dr Robert Gagnon, giving powerful and clear Biblical reasoning for reasserting that marriage can only be between a man and a woman.
The Wreck of Catholic Identity A paper by Professor Oliver O’Donovan detailing how the Scottish Episcopal Church came to make its decision to change canon 31 on marriage and why the process is seriously flawed. – includes important material for use in the run up to the General Synod of the Church of England in July 2016. – Not Anglican, but a thorough recent attempt to present both sides of the debate and to provide clear help on how churches can better care for LGBTQI+ people.
Two critiques of attempts to harmonise the different views on same-sex relationships. Written by Martyn Davie (academic consultant to the Church of England Evangelical Council and the Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life):